Nelmes Primary School

Opportunities for Achievement

Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3BX

01708 447676

Self BeliefPerseveranceResiliencePatience Aspiration


 Attendance at Governing Body Meeting 2023-2024

Attendance at Governing Body Meeting 2022-2023

Attendance at Governing Body meetings 2021-2022

Attendance at Governing Body meetings 2020-2021

Attendance at Governing Body meetings 2019-2020

Attendance at Governing Body meetings 2018 - 2019




Governors of Nelmes Primary School - April 2023



Governing Body Code of Conduct


Governor-Parent Forum November 2023


Our Governors

David Perkins- Chair of Governors

My association with Nelmes reaches back over 20 years when my children attended the School. I joined the Governing Body 18 years ago and have been Chair of Governors for 15 years. I am proud to have led a strong Governing and supported the leadership team of the School, in raising standards and performance and wellbeing of all at the School. My background has been in Information Technology and work in BT as a Sales Director within the UK. My personal area of expertise that I bring to the Governing Body is in strong leadership and coaching ethos. These skill sets are practiced in my business role on a daily basis. I maintain a key interest in positive challenging the School to develop itself continually and ensuring that every child works and develops themselves to fulfil their potential.


Irene Brennan- Vice- Chair of Governors

I have been involved with Nelmes School since 1985 when my eldest of two daughters joined the school in reception. I became a Parent Governor in 1992 and have been on the governing body for 25 years and I have loved every minute. The school is very much a friendly and welcoming environment which I’m proud to be apart of.  I have good experience & general knowledge of the school, having been involved in many projects from building works and general improvements to the school. I’m also on several sub-committees including finance, staff recruitment, buildings, health & safety to name a few.My early working career was manly spent in accounting including book keeping, payroll & Vat returns for large companies in London. After getting married and starting a family, my Husband and I set up our own Plumbing & Heating Company which has been very successful over the past 37 years. As well as being a School Governor I have also been heavily involved with the local branch of The Parachute Regimental Association. In 2014 I was very honoured to receive The Royal Cornwall medal for my outstanding service and charity work for the Association. Shortly after my daughters joined Havering Athletic Club I was sure to be volunteering once again. To which I’m now heavily involved with many roles including treasurer, membership secretary, running the canteen, collecting track fees and being the senior ladies team manager.


Martin Bendrey- Parent Governor

I have two children at Nelmes Primary.  I have a vested interest in the future of the school. My role at work enables me to bring strategic leadership aspect to the board, along with extensive experience in Health and Safety as a previous Senior Health and Safety Manager or Tfl, as well as holding Senior Operational roles within London Underground, giving me knowledge and experience covering Health, Safety and HR. I hold board meetings whereby scrutiny and positive challenge is required in order to continuously improve the department’s performance, including financial expenditure, as well as bringing my teams along with the organisation on our vision, strategic direction and ethos. Alongside my job, I am a proud Dad who enjoys getting involved with my children’s school and extracurricular activities – be it stage school, karate or being seen running up the rugby field on a Sunday Morning! The community and its facilities in which are available to those within it are hugely important to me and I would relish being part of Nelmes Primary School’s future.


Rob Deadman - Parent Governor 

I currently have two children attending Nelmes.  I believe that early year’s education is one of the most important times of a child’s life. In my role as an ombudsman, I deal with people from all occupations on a daily basis. My role involves making tough, evidence based decisions and then communicating them. The key part of my role is dispute resolution. This has given me excellent communication skills, which I think are vital for a role as governor. I also bring strong analytical skills, with a financial background and good listening skills. All of these skills are vital when making decisions aimed at improvement. I am also responsible for people management at work. This involves regular analysis of key performance indicators to ensure my team are performing at the best level they can be. It means giving praise and encouragement when possible. Also having difficult conversations when necessary to drive performance. I am very keen to help an excellent school become even better. My strong analytical skills, together with excellent listening and communication skills put me, in my opinion, in a strong place to be a successful parent governor. I am a friendly and approachable person who works well as a team member.

Gill Goss- Safeguarding Governor

I have been a Governor at Nelmes Primary School now for 8 years, initially as a Parent Governor and now as a Co-opted Governor.  My roles on the Governing Body include being the Safeguarding, On-line safety and Looked after children Governor as well as sitting on a number of committees which meet monthly. I bring to the role skills and knowledge acquired during 30 years working in the NHS and I currently work in the local community as a Specialist Nurse for people with Multiple Sclerosis. I have been fortunate to have had two children pass through Nelmes and know from personal experience the high standard of education the school provides, giving its pupils a solid foundation to build on as they move through their education career. As part of a strong and effective governing body I feel confident that Nelmes remains an outstanding school. In my role as governor I will continue to support the senior leadership team through the challenges and demands in the future.


Sarah Jenkins- Co-opted Governor

I have been involved with Nelmes primary school since 2008 when my son started in reception, my daughter then followed suit in 2011. I have been a parent Governor for nearly 5 years, I was previously on the PTA helping raise valuable funds to support our children at Nelmes. I still help out with the PTA whenever possible. Prior to parenthood I worked for nearly 20 years in the city of London in the Insurance Industry. I am currently self-employed running my own curtain making/soft furnishing business. I feel very privileged to be a governor at Nelmes and be part of a strong Governing body and leadership team, that will shape our children’s lives  for years to come.


Julie Oberheim- Children in Care Governor

I have been a governor for the past 8 years. I was a manager of a travel agent for 15 years which allows me to be a good team leader but also have the confidence and ability to work within groups. As well, this allows me to be able to work with money & accounts and work with the public effectively. I became a governor as both of my children attended Nelmes and I wanted to be able to give something back to the school and support children. In addition, I was on the PTA for a few years so I already had experience and knowledge with how the school worked before I joined the board of governors.



Governing body Declaration of interests January 2022




All Governors may be contacted via the school office