Nelmes Primary School

Opportunities for Achievement

Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3BX

01708 447676

Self Belief

Emergency School Closure Arrangements



Should a closure of the school be necessary the following contingency plans would be followed in order to ensure health and safety for all children and staff.


These decisions are not taken lightly and as is the case with an emergency school closure, it is not always possible to give a lot of notice.


On the first day [and subsequent days] in the event of an unpredicted whole school or partial closure the following methods of communication will be used:-


1. Parentmail – you will receive a text message. Please ensure that Parentmail has your correct up to details [the school is not able to up -date your account].

2. School website – the homepage will up date with any school closures

3. London Borough of Havering website - will display any school closure notices


We inform Fun Zone as in the event of a school closure, they will also not be able to open.


Thank you for your time and consideration


In the event of adverse weather conditions, a notice will be posted on the front page of our website should it prove necessary to close the school.  

Please use this site as your first point of reference. Alternatively we will update ‘opencheck’ OpenCheck for Parents allows you to check the status of our school on any given day.